Between my busy schedule, changes in my life, and my fancy phone being fixed I have fallen behind on writing my daily post. Here's to catching up!
Day 22- Sunday
I don't really remember much from class. I know I sweated a lot and felt pretty good about class overall. I was really hungry after class but then I filled up after eating only half my dinner. This seems to be a trend lately. Because I need all the calories I can get, I think I won't be doing any more doubles. I don't get enough to eat on a regular day, let alone if I spend 3 hours doing yoga. I weighed in at 96 1/2 pounds today. That's down from 103 when I started Bikram Yoga in November, and from 100 when I started the challenge. I know this isn't the weight issue most people have but it is a pretty big deal. My body is changing so rapidly and I'm scared to lose anymore weight.
Pause- Monday
I somehow got it in my head that there was a 6:30 class tonight so I spent the night at a friend's house the night before and intended to go after work. Sometime after I got to work, I checked the schedule card I keep in my planner and saw my mistake. I debated going to the 8:00 class but I really just wanted a night in. I wanted to cook and eat a big dinner and watch an episode of Skins. I debated back and forth and dinner one. I felt a little bad about making this choice, but I need the calories and I had a double from Saturday to count for today. I figure some people wouldn't count this, but I'm playing by my own rules and I'm making them up as I go along.
Day 24- Tuesday
I did not want to get up this morning. I wanted ten more minutes and then after Ash woke me up again, I didn't make myself get out of bed. I allowed myself to fall back asleep instead, trusting that I'd wake up with enough time to make it to the 9:30 class. I don't have the option to go to the 6:30 class after work (there really is one today!) because I will be heading straight from work to a friends' house to babysit for them. I won't be able to ride my bike because of this vicious storm we are about to get so I will have to take the bus. Bummer. I just got my tire and brakes fixed! When I got to BYA the teacher told us we were to switch locker rooms for the day because there was a man in the Women's locker room fixing something. Men in the Women's and women in the Men's. It was interesting to see the Men's locker room. It's completely different but I definitely like the layout better. There is a big open space for the bins and benches as opposed to the the long narrow area we have in the Women's. I liked the big windows but it made it shockingly cold at first. Then there was the obvious difference of the number of toilet and shower stalls. There are two toilets and three showers in the Women's locker room as opposed to one toilet, one urinal, and two showers in the Men's. There are usually a lot more women in class than men, so it makes sense for the Women's to be the one with more showers. The shower I used in the Men's had a really nice shower head, I'm a little jealous! As for class, I barely sweated at all. My body retaliated a lot with aches and pains and it by far was not my best class. I had to come out of Bow and Camel Poses early due to some lower back pain. I was able to do a pretty good Locust Pose, which has only happened a few times. The third part usually gives my wrist issues and so I avoid it. I figured that'd be the case today since my wrist started hurting during Pranayama, which was a first, but I actually got both my legs up pretty high in both sets. I experience mild dizziness today, which I didn't expect. I switched back to the iron supplement I was taking before. I'd had a better time with my blood pressure during class when I was on that kind and they didn't mess with my GI tract as much. Time for a little nap so I can make it through the rest of today!
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